instrument of wondrous hypotyposis

Sep 20, 2008 19:52

i am: present and accounted for
listening to: it's very quiet in here at the moment
drinking: iced tea

i seem to have been stuck in hibernation mode lately; i've been working through a manuscript that's extremely challenging, and at the same time quite entertaining. i have less than 100 pages left to do though, and then one or two more. it seems like i've been saying "one or two more" for months, and i know i've definitely finished one or two. fie! they multiply!

i had thought to share an odd remedy or two, but most of the odd/entertaining ones in this manuscript are also of the macabre bent, and i've already grossed out a couple of people this week by describing in (what was probably too much) detail the ordeal i went through with my wrist three years ago. so if you're looking for ways to use turtle blood and powdered man's skull to make yourself feel better, you'll just have to look elsewhere. ;)

i did get sidetracked early last week, playing with google earth. i've played with it before, but didn't really understand the full power of the program until i did some reading at the google earth outreach site. i've now created a customized companion tour to my travelogue and someday when i'm feeling like it, i'll put a link to it on that portion of my site. i'm considering doing another to complement a rather largish addition that i set aside earlier this year (a gazetteer of place names mentioned in blind harry's wallace,) but that will have to wait until i at least finish these last one or two manuscripts (ha!) and cull out the remedies for "the pest," aka "the pestilence," which we know as the plague or black death, to include in the medieval medicine section of the site. there are some astonishing treatments for that particular malady, but i have a difficult time being amused by them, because they are tempered by firsthand accounts of the conditions in the cities.

oh, i ramble about things of no import to anyone but myself. my apologies.

today's reading: i've abandoned the thomas covenant series by stephen r. donaldson (again.) i was able to make it halfway through the second in the series before i realized i just couldn't take any more. i would say that my newfound appreciation of fantasy fiction has worn off, but last night i dreamt that i had the next volume of george r.r. martin's "a song of fire and ice" series in my hand, and was thrilled to discover a 100-page excerpt of the next in the series after that at the back. in reality, i picked up umberto eco's the name of the rose, for a fourth attempt, and wonder of wonders, i had no problem whatsoever getting into it this time.

"The list could surely go on, and there is nothing more wonderful than a list, instrument of wondrous hypotyposis."
~ The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco

book quotes, manuscript project

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