a cute what?

Dec 15, 2007 16:09

i am: present and accounted fo
listening to: the ticking of the ceiling fan
drinking: nothing at the moment

so ... apparently all the research i'd been doing on ulcers and such, and all the foods i eliminated in an attempt to narrow down what was making my stomach hurt was a grand waste of time. i should have been researching the gall bladder, but no need now, 'cos as of thursday afternoon i don't have one any more. i was admitted via the ER on wednesday night with a diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. such fun to writhe in pain in front of dozens of people in the ER and have the triage nurse think i was being dramatic about cramps or gas. methinks nurse ratchett may have received a talking-to for making me wait so long to see a doctor.

anyway, i managed to amuse myself during my 36-hour stay through people watching; i have very lucid memories of many odd things that went on around me, but they will wait for another time, as will my friends' list - but i will catch up with you guys soon. i expect i'll be back to something nearing normal in a week or so. ho-ho-ho. great timing, eh?

ah one memory i want to archive here in case i forget it, because it was so very odd indeed: looking down at my wrist bracelet and seeing "cheesecake general." and i thought, "why does that say cheesecake general? oh well, if there's a burger king, and a dairy queen, i guess there can be a cheesecake general." then i realized it said "chesapeake general" (the name of the hospital) and that morphine is indeed quite a powerful drug.

today's reading: nope, can't do it. i did finally watch "the fellowship of the ring" from beginning to end last night though, and tonight i'll watch the next one ("the return of the king"? or is that the third one?) whatever order they come in, it's nice that they're on to help me concentrate on something other than ouchiness. (i'm fine. just wish i'd used my research and surfing time a little more wisely lol)
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