what fresh hell is this?

Sep 22, 2007 11:10

i am: present and accounted for
listening to: pc hum in d minor
drinking: yorkshire tea

i had a dentist appointment day before yesterday and had some fairly invasive work done. as a precaution i was prescribed what the dental assistant termed an "antibiotic cocktail." i've never had a problem with antibiotics before, but this particular combination is doing a number on my stomach. the side effects i'm experiencing correspond completely with the warnings insert the pharmacist included ... nausea, lack of appetite, queasiness. what the warnings don't say is that the reality of meat becomes startlingly and disgustingly clear - it's dead flesh; it smells bad and just looking at it kicks the nausea and queasiness levels up several notches. i think i need to surf for some vegetarian recipes, because i have eight more days left on these prescriptions. the horror.

it's best not to dwell on it, so i'll move on to uh ... well, nothing, really. i'm still copying and pasting the travelogue portion of my site into the new design. i found a very cool (free) social bookmarking widget at addthis.com that i've added to all my pages. this excites me (cheap thrills, i know) because i've seen a marked rise in social bookmarking sites in my stats over the past six months-year. i get almost as many hits from stumbleupon as i do from google, and that's saying a lot. i've also noticed a big upswing in the number of visitors marking my site as a favorite in the past few months: almost 48% which pleases me, since i've reached the 10,000+ average annual visitors mark and have maintained it for a couple of years. pity there's no way to tell who removes it from their favorites when doing bookmark maintenance though.

other than that, i spent a little bit of time escaping into fractals this past week - it's a wonderful escape, made even more pleasant by the kind and generousbalplatinus, who never fails to help me with a new technique when i get stuck. while i'm just a dabbler, he's a true fractal artist, and has posted some incredible pieces on deviantART. browse his gallery when you have the time and/or interest, and be prepared to be astounded.

and ... i guess that's it for an update. there's really not much going on in my head other than coding lately. i'd told myself i'd finish the journal part of the travelogue and then get back to the manuscript project, but since i'm on a roll the manuscript project is getting bumped down to the secondary project position. i'm looking forward to getting back to it because it's a lot more fun and entertaining than what i'm doing, but that will work as a catalyst to keep me moving with the tedium of copy/paste, copy/paste.

today's reading: since last updating i finished jonathan kellerman's gone (and was fairly disappointed; it was a struggle to get through it) and vanishing acts by jodi picoult. i never did get to bernard cornwell's the lords of the north so i renewed it at the library this morning, and also picked up another by jodi picoult (the tenth circle), oryx and crake by margaret atwood, and biting the moon, a mystery by martha grimes, whom i've never read. she had a lot of books on the shelf though, so i hope i like it. i'll probably start with the cornwell this afternoon, but really wish i'd thought to pick up the second book in the trilogy (the pale horseman) as well to refresh my memory.

website design, fractals

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