First off: Tianaveen, awww...
Of course, I had to make him too.
No, not Cousin Randy! Who's going to write the music now?
More gratuitous schmaltz.
Awww poor Charlotte.
The newlyweds are friskier than jackrabbits in June.
I have no idea what's going on here, this was of their own free will.
Okay, this wasn't my fault! It's not my fault that she's a Pisces and he's a Scorpio and she likes guys in formalwear who know how to accessorize! And he's the only single guy in the house! Maybe she found out he's a royal on his mother's side, I don't know!
Wouldn't be the Sims 2 without a random pillow fight.
I'm just gonna give these two some privacy now.