Weekend Roundup

Dec 16, 2013 13:07

I got a lot done, but not as much as I wanted. Really, I can just copy and paste that sentence and set it to auto-post every Monday and it'll be true, except for the weekends where I get nothing done. :P

I'm feeling much less stressed than I was, though, which is good! My shoes are ordered and I have an appointment set up, E and I finished almost all of our Christmas shopping in one marathon consumer event yesterday, I shelved all studio thoughts until the new year, and the Giant End of Year Project at work had its budget shifted so it's now next year's problem.

That leaves the last bits of Christmas shopping, a bit of Christmas shipping, a gift for the Mass Effect Secret Santa (probably art, this time -- how strange!) and working on fanfic.

E and I did a massive shopping trip yesterday, and actually had quite a lot of fun doing it, which was a pleasant surprise. I like shopping on occasion, in the right environment -- downtown, the market, street festivals -- but E could really do without no matter what. We covered downtown, a trip to Lacey for the game store, and three precision-strikes at the mall without getting cranky, and bought things for each other, as well (not secretly -- he picked his dress shirts and I picked my skirt and we're both quite happy).

Saturday I went to the tree farm with my family, which was basically an excuse to pet animals, since ten minutes before we left my folks informed me of a very cool stream team rent-a-tree thing and I decided to do that instead. It was a really good animal-pettin' time, though -- three dogs, three draft horses, and two ponies.

I'll pick up the rent-a-tree on Thursday, since I'll have wheels for my shoe appointment. Basically you buy a baby doug fir in a pot from a wholesale nursery (in your neck of the woods, Caladri) and after the holidays are over you drop it off and Stream Team plants it in an environmentally useful space. Pretty nifty, and as an extra special bonus, the guy at the wholesale nursery said he'd be willing to sell me three dwarf red osier dogwoods (cornus s. 'kelseyi'), even though they don't normally sell to the public. Apparently "I'm really excited about this plant!" is pretty persuasive. :D

Note for emony42: This cultivar only grows between 2 and 3 feet high, and it's going in the triangulish bed outside the kitchen -- the one that's already prepared. So it's not like I'm making more work for myself, much. Okay, I have to move a snowberry. I think. But that'll move to another area that's already prepared, so the chances of these plants dying in the pot while I tear out blackberries, lawn, ivy, and my hair is very, very small.

yarden, holidays

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