More stressed than I thought: Studio Lighting Edition

Nov 04, 2013 13:01

My hand is telling me I'm more stressed than I thought. It tells me this by itching like crazy, then breaking out in little whitish wheals. (Physical Uticaria and dermatographism with no apparent physical triggers = probably stress reaction, especially given the history of when it happens).

I spent the weekend drilling holes, placing electrical outlet boxes, and running outlet wire. Once the lights are wired I should be able to get the two studio circuits inspected and start thinking about drywall (okay, panel first, but I could at least start insulating, which would make it nicer to work in there).


Lights are a huge issue. They're incredibly important to defining space even in your living room; in the studio they have to both do the design-y space-defining thing (since it needs to be comfortable) and be functional -- and in my case, functional for a pretty wide variety of tasks. I've mostly been thinking in terms of large oil and acrylic paintings, since that's the hardest to light for, but it also needs to be comfy for dorking around on the internet and playing video games, since my desktop will live there, and for all manner of drawing.

I've been trying to remind myself that it's just another  decision and anything I make will be better than working at the dining room table with one 100 watt (equiv) bulb blazing over my shoulder, but for all this money, time, and stress, I want to end up with more than just 'better than I had.'

(The room does have lovely natural light! My windows are working out GREAT. But I can't rely on natural light alone -- in the winter here it gets full dark at 4, and really, most things'll require some supplemental light even at noon in summer).

The plan, such as it is, is:
  • bright overhead recessed LEDs on a dimmer for painting
  • a switched outlet for a floor lamp by the desk
  • two outlets in the ceiling with pipes near them to hold up clamp lamps for supplemental lighting.
I don't know how to place the overheads, and I don't know if it's a good plan. Would it be better to just do aimable track lighting for the overheads? Or have the overheads near the desk on a separate switched circuit, instead of using a floor or desk lamp for the desk area? Should more than one outlet be switched? Will the ceiling pipes be ridiculous overkill or a kind of awesome thing to have? Where the hell do the recessed lights go such that they both illuminate the painting spot as evenly as possible and are useful for drawing/computer stuff/anything against a wall? Are the recessed floods going to be useful enough to make up for their high cost, or will I end up having to do it all with supplemental light anyway?


studio construction

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