So I completed Mass Effect 1 faster than any other RPG I've played, thanks to a bad head-cold.
madalchemist informs me that Dragon Age 2 is coming out next week (I <3 Dragon Age. Hopefully the new characters will be as awesome). I just played the demo, and was a bit surprised by the amount of console-style flipping around in combat. And the
BFS*. And the
Full Contact Magic.* And Flemeth's Hair-Upgrade (Careful! She's a Stylist of the Wilds!).
Also, Isabella apparently forgot her pants, but that's not really a surprise as such.
I really, really shouldn't be spending money on fun things right now, but... buy Mass Effect 2, or buy DA2 and give my Shepherd time to mope about not being able to
flirt with Joker?
(Actually, this is not quite correct. I have already decided that my Shep totally has it going on with Joker, and they're just too discreet to do it in front of the video game camera. Have some common decency, people -- this is a military organization. She totally programmed the audio in the cockpit to play "Baby You Can Drive My Car" when he enters. Beep beep m beep beep, yeah!).
Now I'm going to clean the house for D&D. NO I do not have a reality problem, why did you ask?