May 04, 2009 18:39
This weekend I ordered Quicken 2009, and today the order confirmation arrived:
"Great News! We shipped your order QST3050202690 today (see details of your shipment below). It will arrive shortly."
Wow! I am SO SURPRISED that you did what I paid you to do! Go Intuit!
Most unintentionally funny confirmation e-mail ever.
In other, less great (but perfectly enjoyable) news, I once again spent a weekend mostly-in-the-garden. Finally got compost from mom's, had Doozer and Dad over for BBQ and a few tunes, planted scallions, and got beat up by a rose bush.
Even better, Brad and I finally managed to go for a ride, and for my first long ride of the season I did pretty well! Apparently all that training up to the century doesn't just disappear over night. We also went up to REI and spent our little hearts out. I now have Magic Vulcan Biking Gloves that keep my hands almost toasty!
teh intertubes,