Haha! Survey! Taken from pez mermaid! ! ! ! ! !

May 24, 2005 10:29

last cigarette: Marissa's birthday.
last good cry: Hehe. Star Wars! I know, I'm a blubbering idiot.
last library book checked out: Our library sucks. Therefore, I never check out books from there.
last movie seen: new: Star Wars III recent(already seen before): Last of the Mohicans
last book read: Johnny got his Gun
last cuss word uttered: i can't remeber...
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: some rice
last crush: ...Alex :-)
last phone call: Kyla called.
last tv show watched: I'm on the music channels right now
last time showered: yesterday morning.
last shoes worn: my white ones
last cd played: um...Les Miserables soundtrack
last item bought: my momdragged me to the mall to make me buy outfits for senior recognition and graduation. Blech.
last downloaded: I don't know.
last annoyance: the heat.
last disappointment: i really can't remember.
last soda drank: diet coke.
last thing written: Love and War- Drowning Pool
last word spoken: g'night
last sleep: a few hours ago
last im: i haven't IMed someone in ages
last sexual fantasy: now thats a secret
last weird encounter: ...
last ice cream eaten: i'm not an ice-cream fan
last time amused: can't remember...
last time wanting to die: ? i don't know!
last time in love: fuck off
last time hugged: hehe, marissa gave me a hug at the Star Wars premiere last Thursday. Yay!
last time scolded: a week or so ago.
last time resentful: eh?
last chair sat in: settee
last lipstick used: i don't wear lipstick. i like hemp balm.
last underwear worn: oooh...lol!
last bra worn: what...it wasn't anything crazy! It was plain...as was the underwear, since you're apparently so desperate to know.
last shirt worn: the one i'm wearing now.
last time dancing: At some crazy indian wedding.
last poster looked at: my star wars one that my cousin ripped. *tear*
last show attended: Way too long ago to remember
last webpage visited: yahoo

1 MINUTE AGO: I was hot.
1 HOUR AGO: I was watching TV.
1 DAY AGO: I was at school.
1 WEEK AGO: that's far too long ago to remember
1 YEAR AGO: i was a year younger
I HURT: when I accidently injure myself
I LOVE: wellness. Aka, not feeling ill.
I HATE: the president. and dr. paul
I FEAR: the unknown.
I HOPE: I find out that I have a filthy rich uncle somewhere and he has bequeathed his fortune to me.
I FEEL: sick
I HIDE: my eyeballs in my pocket.
I DRIVE: an invisible vehicle.
I MISS: being able to sleep well.
I LEARNED: that this survey is irritating me.
I NEED: to bathe. NOW.
I THINK: only when i have to

current clothes: b-ball shorts, ASU shirt
current mood: hungry and a bit sick
current music: some crap on tv
current taste: what? nothing...i think
current hair: messy braid
current annoyance: i need to pee. and the fact that i feel ill. and the shit playing on the tv.
current smell: air.
current thing i should be doing: showering.
current desktop picture: Mountain setting with the moon
current refreshment: wasser
current worry: will this cold ever go away?

1. What do you most like about your body? Everyone says I have really soft hands. Or they like my hair.
2. And least? The stomach. And inner thighs.
3. How many fillings do you have? a bajillion. Or a few less.
4. Do you think you're good looking? No because I just woke up.
5. Do other people often tell you that you're good looking? I've been told that before.
6. Do you look like any celebrities? My cousin once said that I looked like one of the chicks from Days of our Lives. She was smoking crack. Haha.
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