I'm done!

Jun 01, 2012 16:01

No more school.
No more books.
No more teacher's dirty looks.

Yes. I have graduated, and does it ever feel great! Been way too damn long for this accomplishment. Anyways, I suppose that means I have time to write, we'll see. I finished long research projects this semester. Long, long ones that have sapped my writing energy for awhile. I have a few ideas that I want to continue, and new bunnies that I want to write.

Time for a nap, all the high stress over finals and whatnot have left me super tired.

But, in other news. Here in Wisconsin, June 2-3 is open fishing weekend on WI waters. My boy is taking me fishing! :) So, hopefully we'll catch something so we can eat it.

Other than that, it's about keeping occupied. I've mostly been cooking and sleeping- something not good for my workout plans. But, I hope I get those in gear because food is delicious. And I want to work towards my goals this summer.


real life, bunnies, real life post, writing, blah

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