Just in case Mississippi seems too far away

Oct 14, 2011 19:07

Originally posted by tinlizzie82 at Just in case Mississippi seems too far away
I imagine many of you have seen the reposted entry in protest of the Mississippi Personhood Amendment that would grant any fertilized egg the same legal status as an actual live person, thereby outlawing abortion, some forms of birth control and criminalizing miscarriages. But there is also a threat on a national level. Today the House passed HR 358, which they are calling the Protect Life Act (or for those who oppose it the "Kill Women Bill") , a bill that would allow hospitals receiving federal aid to turn away women who need an abortion even if it is necessary to protect the health of the mother. While this bill is not in danger of becoming law, Obama has said he will veto it and it lacks the votes to overturn that veto, it is indicative of the fragile position of the pro choice contingent in this country and another volley in the right wing onslaught against reproductive rights. One of the most frightening things is that the bill's proponents are trying to frame it as an attack on Obamacare, an more widely unpopular measure, rather than a direct attack on abortion and the general public is not discerning enough to understand this. This article gives a good overview of the bill, Obama's Statement of Administrative Policy against it, and how it relates to laws aready in place and previous failed attacks on abortion. The fact that this bill will most likely never make it all the way into policy is no reason to ignore it. Complacency is dangerous and we can best raise our voices by contacting our local representatives and making our views known. You can also contact the Democratic National Committee HERE or the Republican National Committee HERE (click on the contact congress button, the actual page was down, supposedly for service). Historically, the pro life lobby has not had a majority when it comes to public opinion but it has always been very vocal. In this time of concerted attacks on our reproductive rights, we need to change that and make our views heard loud and clear before it is too late. So contact your local representative, post about this on your LJ or just hit the button below.

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