Forgotten PWP

Jun 27, 2010 15:33

Guess what just came to my attention, this little ditty that the OP commented on so I could finally find the last missing piece to my kink_meme responses. :D Huzzah...

The prompt:

Kirk bit his lip so hard that small drops of blood welled up from the cracks of his chapped lips. His teeth left imprints upon his bottom lip. He tasted the copper tang of blood and held his breath to keep in the sound. His eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the sensation as Spock kept thrusting into him. Kirk's legs were wrapped around the Vulcan's waist. Spock moved efficiently and confidently above him.

But most of all, Spock's was silent.

It was slightly unnerving and quite embarrassing at first to have all that undivided attention upon him. The focused intensity of Spock's gaze enthralled him.

He canted his hips upward to give Spock a deeper angle of penetration and he once again bit his lip to stop himself from moaning.

Kirk found himself oddly out of sorts and embarrassed the first time they coupled. He was the only one moaning and keening at Spock's touch. Overly affectionate too, he supposed, maybe calling out when he came was overall bad form. He was horrified to discover that he had been the only one who had made noise, and he came back to himself to see Spock looking at him with a raised brow. Normally, Jim Kirk wasn't ashamed of his exuberance, but he forgot who his partner was.


So he had endeavored to no longer speak or utter a sound when they had sex. It had taken an incredible amount of effort, retraining himself; he had taken more than a few tries and had more than a few slips. But now it was silent save for the sound of wet kisses and the slide and slap of skin on skin.

But there was one thing Kirk couldn't help and that was during his release, letting out a low rumble and a sigh of content. This was the only thing he allowed himself.

And it came upon him suddenly because he wasn't paying that much attention to his own state. He tightened around Spock and twisted his hands in the sheets. Spock followed soon after. Spock laid down upon him and Jim enjoyed he heavier weight of Spock on him for awhile until Spock got up to get a warm cloth to wipe them down with.

Spock laid down next to him after getting cleaned up. Spock rolled to his side, head propped up on an elbow. "Do I displease you, t'hy'la?"

"What?" Jim asked blearily. "No, Spock. That was wonderful."

Spock remained silent and was searching for words. Knowing how to read him, Jim knew what to ask. "What brought this on, Spock?"

"I have noticed a pattern of less vocal release from you. I would be amenable to suggestion as to better your stimulation to form such a response."

Jim's mind caught up with him, was Spock saying that he liked hearing him be loud?

"I..." Jim trailed off, not knowing what to say, completely incredulous.

"If our coupling is no longer stimulating to you, I would be most appreciative to hear this knowledge."

"No, Spock," Jim tried again. "I do enjoy it. Very much. It's just that, you're so quiet, makes me feel way too loud. I thought you were uncomfortable with that."

"On the contrary, Jim," Spock said, amused. "I...enjoy such a vocal response to stimulation."

Translation: I enjoy you screaming my name.

"I... didn't know, Spock," Jim grinned.

Spock lifted a brow at him; Jim could read that one loud and clear. ‘Illogical human.’

star trek, kink meme prompt, gay, kirk/spock, fic

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