It is not working. I've reinstalled my drivers like there is no tomorrow and I've had no results.
Really? Really now? Tablet, quit being a jerk. It's not like I ask that much from you.
(I new this collection of Dean reaction images would come in handy).
So my rats chewed a giant hole in my pants I was going to wear for my pokemon breeder costume. I'm going to pull a mad scientist costume out of my ass for work. I have a labcoat, glue makes your hair crazy and I'm probably going to throw some costume make up on. Normally I'd add some nice open wounds but since I am working with kids I can't exactly be scary.
I am pondering if I should carve not one, but two pumpkins as well. I have a design in mind for one, but it will take too short of time
I was convinced. I am upgrading the parts myself. I'm hopefully getting the parts tomorrow. I'm a little worried about putting everything together. I'm terrified that my case won't work or that i'll bread something.
Instead of being productive on my own projects or anything else I have just been playing psychonauts. I got it a few months ago on steam but I quit playing cause playing a platform jumper with a keyboard is dumb. Cheap joy pad fixed that though!
I really love this game. Okay, I don't enjoy the game aspect of it; I'm not a fan of 3-D platform jumpers. The writing and visual style make up for any gameplay frustrations I have. TIME TO STOP TALKING ABOUT THINGS THAT PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY SAID FIVE YEARS AGO.