six things you may or may not know about me.
1. I can touch my tongue to my nose.
2. I had to pee so bad on the way back from a bar in Chicago that I let a Korean exchange student sign me into her building so I could use the washroom, she had to sign me back out again, the security guard had to take my picture. The guy she was with told me "she's not usually nice, but she's drunk" I'm not sure how I bumped into her, and after I left I ran all the way back to my hotel, after stopping once to confirm the direction with a little Italian man in the lobby of another hotel. The next day I discovered that that was around 4 in the morning I'm just thankful it all worked out well.
3. I need to brush my teeth.
4. I ate real sushi, not veggie but the fish kind, for the first time this past week, only one piece, cause it wasn't mine. I still have yet to order sushi.
5. I feel that my self-confidence and my assertiveness are growing by leaps and bounds, and this makes me happy.
6. I hate the fact that I actually often enjoy watching reality T.V.
so now to tag, most of those who actually use their journals have been tagged, except maybe
ladyeve901so there you go. Tagged !!!