It was bound to happen sooner or later

Apr 10, 2009 13:59

I'm running out of paper.

Let me repeat that, I'm running out of paper.

Due to the nature of paper pricing, edition size, and cutting needs (my standard paper comes in 22x30" or larger, I cut it down myself on a rented board shear), it doesn't make sense to just run out and purchase a few sheets as I need them. I need to place a paper order. A BIG paper order.

If you've been considering the purchase of a bit of my art or jewelry, or even some of the supplies I sell on Etsy, now would be a REALLY fantastic time to do so. Seriously, even a $2.50 bookmark sized print will help me stock up for the rest of the year. Prints and fine metal work H.P. Lovecraft jewelry, prints, and bone jewelry My online garage sale, Sunstone, beads, and a few miscellaneous silver finding


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