Apr 21, 2007 02:22
I'm coming back to Arlington for the summer, contrary to previous plans. I'm excited. It's certainly for the best.
I forgot how much even a light sunburn hurts. And that the world will toss you a strange and fascinating companion every once in awhile.
I'm still in shock over this Tech thing a little. Many people just seemed to shrug it off. "None of my friend's got hurt and otherwise I just don't care." My brother Ryan lives on campus and witnessed a lot and I understand (better than most) how people love to put themselves closer to tragedy but...I dunno. Talking with him throughout the whole thing made it so much more vivid and relevant. I just can't believe that these "incidents" are a function of our society. I truly believe that the problem, the true DARKNESS that begets these situations lies within ALL of us; our indifference and cynicism; our shortsightedness and fear; our insistence that the world is purely material and that we have little to no impact on it. We say "these things happen". I heard a man this morning at the podium telling us that what happened was GOD'S WILL. And though most of us aren't Christians, we've adopted the EXACT same attitude. But these things didn't always happen. They don't happen everywhere- JUST here, mostly. It's this relinquishment of responsibility and mistaken precept of impotence that catalyzes A LOT of the horrible things within our society. Because the reality is that we're STILL in control whether we acknowledge it or NOT- and when we DON'T we're sitting at the steering wheel with our hands in the air yelling "Don't blame me! I'M not the force making the car run into the guard rail!" So this all sounds irrelavent but I swear to god if people would just fucking LOOK ONE ANOTHER IN THE EYE at 7-11 a lot would change.