Apr 02, 2009 22:00
i am tired of checking LJ and no one has posted, so i will!
i enjoy being married. it is wonderful. we aren't perfect, but we're getting better together. i listen to songs that people write on the radio, and a lot of them are really sad. one that i was listening to the other day was saying "kiss me like you love me. i'll pretend we've never lied" ..."i'll hold you like i want you to hold me"... "i'll kiss you like i want you to kiss me" ..."i see us going nowhere... i'm happier when i'm alone... kiss me like you love me. i'll pretend we've never lied" ...it was so very sad. cause what this marriage is... it's not perfect, no, but it's beautiful. i am not afraid that he's going to leave me. that's just not even something i have to consider, ever. he's not going to lie to me. there's nothing fake about it. no pretenses. no longing for something that he hasn't given me, because he's given me everything. and all of that, all of what this is, all of what he gives me as his wife... it makes me cry sometimes, not a crying that has any sorrow in it. but crying because of how well he loves me and how much i love him, and how very very little i truly understand love itself. i'm learning more.
1 John 3:16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.
I think it is wonderful to experience the love that is present in marriage. It is a love that comes easily. We are in love and we would do anything for that person. And yet it is not to be limited to that. This sacrificial love is how we should see all our brothers and sisters. It is not exactly the same as marriage, but all the same, Christ loved us more and better than we could ever love anyone... and that is how we are to love each other. It is a choice as much as marriage is a choice. We must commit to love one another just as Christ loved us. what a long way i have to go! in this marriage as much as in life. i will learn to love better, through all the little things. my joy and assurance is in the fact that though i might not understand love all that well yet, Christ is my help. it is a fragile thing for two human beings to love one another. but where Christ is our foundation, all things are possible. he will be our guide. he will teach us. and he will love us! :)