Sep 24, 2005 14:37

The TAUR-ASS died on me AGAIN yesterday. I was just sitting in the right lane right before Curtis on Farmington. How embarassing. Buuuut so many people attempted to help me. Everytime the piece of shit dies on me no one tries to help, I just sit in the car and wait for my stepdad to come help me out. Yesterday was different for some reason. Two guys about my age ran from across the street to help me......and older guy in a truck pulled over to help.....and some other young kid pulled over to lend a hand. So the older man took control and pushed me on to Curtis with his truck. I sat there out of the way and waited for jack-ass to come get me in the death trap that he makes me drive. I was just so surprised that so many people tried to help me. I know that everytime I see someone stranded I never pull over to help them......but guess who's changing that?? Maybe I'm stupid for saying this, but I feel like there's a reason why people tried to help me this time. Do nice things for people.......and later down the road when you need something you'll get the help you deserve. Wow...i'm a loser.....but it's true bitches.

Weellll.....I think that's all i needed to say. Except that i have bronchitis...shiiiittty. I've been on antibiotics for more than a week, so i'm not contagious anymore but my cough is still horrible. They say i'm in the "borderline pneumonia" stage. NOT GOOD

I'm stoked it's FRIDAY though.......hope everyone has a good weekend

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