heeeey AGAIN

Jul 07, 2005 01:51

Weeeeeellllll hello again ya'll...this is kinda wierd huh? I haven't written in this bitch in a LONG time.

Let me start off by saying (even though i'm a lil late) hell yeah to everyone in the CLASS of '05'......WE FINALLY DID IT BITCHEZ. There are maybe 50 people that i actually "respected" at shs, but congrats to even the faggots that i hated. We all grew together yet apart from eachother these passed LONG 4 years, but i wouldnt change anything that happen in that time. Yeah sure, things could have been better, but that's high school for ya. There's times when i wish that i would have been a nicer more excepting person, but you are who you are and you do what you wanna do. I'm not gonna appologize for ever making anyone upset...i'm not gonna appologize for the horrible looks that i gave people....and i'm deff not gonna appologize for the back stabbing and two-faced action.....that's what high school is. There was ALWAYS a reason for me to be the bitch that i was at school and outside of school. That's what makes people grow up and realize that it's all just high school "drama"...everyones favorite word at shs..."DRAMA"    The very last words i would like to say to everyone from shs and even the ones that still attend that hell hole.......those 4 years go by fast........i have just been through the most experiencing, amazing, painful, horrifying years of my life. Many things will be great and many things will be so hurtful, that you don't want to go to sleep at night cause you know you will have to get up and go to school in the morning....but all the things you go though will hopefully make you a better person. Take things one step at a time.....you're gonna stop talking to people that you had been friends with for years.....even worse then that, you're gonna loose someone that you had AMAZING times with, forever, only in your dreams will you see their beautiful faces smiling at you again (R.I.P  WELLSinator)...... you're gonna break up with someone that you've been with for a long time....you're gonna feel like the world is against you....but ALWAYS tell yourself that "you" make the best out of your life. Do what your heart tells you cause when it comes down to it.......it's your life NO-ONE elses.

I know that i just bounced around from one random thing to another....and i know that some things might have sounded REAL bitchey on my part....but hey thats the truth...thats how it really is.....GOOD LUCK with life grads of  2005.

Sooooo.....I'm having a greeeat summer soo far. I'm with the most important gals of my life.....CAL, JEN, KEL, JESS, MEGS, and im actually starting to forget about the people that broke my heart and treated me horribly in the passed year/couple of months. I do wish that i could be spending more time with some people this summer though. I miss hanging out with Homay, Murray, Sarah, Morgan, Joey, Josh, Munoz, Matty-boy, Heather, Keri, Tina, Erin, Bobby, Munson, Gervis, Bombs, Fischer, KATHARINE, JIMBO, D-ROCK, BALLA, HAWTHORNE, DEFINTHALER, STUTZ, Dabish, Licata, Adrienne, C-lo, Domingo, Leventis, Meff, Schmitts, Kubert, Jimmy, Stuuuupid, Dan, and well i know there's more i just can't think right now. I miss EACH and EVERY single one of you. I'm gonna make it a goal to keep in touch cause i have had some of the most crazy, fun, and AWESOME times of my life with ya'll.

Damn....i'm getting all emotional and shit now. It's time for me to go to bed. I get a BIG day planned with those 5 best people in mah life......


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