Do-gooding and Doing

Nov 22, 2011 14:39

I spent most of last weekend working, because I'm ridiculous. BUT, in all fairness, I'm not working on Thanksgiving, and I'm not working on Friday, either, so that's pretty excellent.

First off: First Friday is back! I just picked up a bunch of flyers to promote it, over the weekend. We're going to have live music this time, too. I really hope y'all can come out.

Also, I'm totally helping the animals this holiday. I got together with Alyson and Carolyn for laptop party goodness, and 1) I helped them Bieber-ize their studio door for the holidays, and 2) I designed a flyer and put up a web site for our pet food drive. I'm really excited about it, because do-gooding with the power of your expert skills is awesome, and because I'm incredibly happy with how the flyer turned out.

I also made this, which is being printed into greeting cards as we speak. People who bring in donations for the pet food drive during First Friday will be getting a little pack of said greeting cards as a thank-you, along with coupons and/or goodies from some of the vendors:

In other news, Thanksgiving is going to be a truly epic meal. OMJESUS. I've been horribly indecisive about what to make, but I finally settled on my contributions today, and they're going to be sweet-potato-riffic. And everyone coming over is bringing something wonderful-sounding, too. It's going to be a good day.

Derby is fairly uneventful, because I can't skate. Well, correction: I *can* skate, but actually playing derby and taking contact made my ankle angry and swollen again last week. Obviously, I didn't give it enough time off, so I'm honest-to-god resting it until it's 100% better.

I checked in with the doctor yesterday, and learned about Proprioception, which is basically the concept of the body sensing where it is in space, and sending signals back to your brain to react to that when it’s needed. It’s what my bad ankle doesn’t really have right now--it’s noticeably slower to react than my good ankle. I now a Thera-band and a new list of therapy exercises, though, so a few weeks of diligent home therapy should get me back on the track again.

I might go back to endurance or speed skating class sooner than regular practices or scrimmage, but yeah, no contact for me for a solid month, I'm guessing. But, at least I can make myself useful while I sit the bench: I got to time the penalty box at Saturday practice, which was actually pretty amusing.

Authority looks good on me, y'all.

announcements, it's business time, derby

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