Have-To and Want-To

Dec 16, 2010 12:14

I think I've finally escaped the clutches of the editing monster: I have one event left to edit, and I'm already about halfway through, so it's the home stretch. I actually got 8 hours of sleep last night, although I probably could use another 8 hours on top of that. I did a yoga class last night because I desperately needed to mellow out, and actually dozed off briefly during the final shavasana. XD

The past 6 months have certainly been an exercise in learning how to balance obligations with personal needs, and I think I may *finally* be figuring out how to do that, a little. I've been making a point of keeping up on my gym/yoga time and all of my derby and wushu practices, and that's probably a large part of why I'm not feeling utterly miserable from all the stress. Yeah, overcommitting is still a problem, but I feel like I have one piece of the puzzle, at least.

Tonight will be fun: dinner out and a midnight showing of TRON. Tomorrow evening will also be fantastic: wushu and ugly sweater karaoke. Saturday means derby time and daemonwise's infusion party, and Sunday will be trip preparations and Fresh Meat tryouts. I haven't even had the presence of mind to get nervous about that last one, because I just haven't had time to think about it.

In the meantime, there are plenty of To-Dos and random tasks, and I kind of want it overwith, but I'll make it. I hope to attack the studio with cleaning supplies for at least part of this afternoon, and maybe Saturday morning or afternoon, too. There's one more day at The Job, and I'm off until the New Year. Exhale.

Monday marks my departure for California, and there's something very soothing about the thought of driving for 12 hours. Just a long, straight stretch of road, my foot on the gas pedal, and a few good discographies pounding through the speakers, as I head towards warmer, sunnier climes. Right now, that sounds like a pretty perfect day.

Part of me wishes that day were today, but I can be patient. I can make it a little longer.

travels, getting personal

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