Bits and pieces

Oct 22, 2010 14:30

Well, I was pretty pissed off at the universe earlier, but I'm getting over it. Slowly.

I *finally* saw Scott Pilgrim last night, and it was fun. But, as one who hasn't read the source material, I left the theater thinking that it might've benefitted from a meatier script, or a shorter run time. Also, maybe it's just the Asian Sympathizer in me, but I was kind of rooting for Knives Chau, in spite of her exhaustingly-high squee-levels. ;)

It'd also be pretty excellent if I could date a nice boy who would make my Evil Exes burst into a shower of coins. But, I only have one of those, so I guess that'd be a pretty short movie.

I finally, *finally* started on my Halloween costume yesterday. Because I was sick and completely devoid of energy during all of my free hours earlier in the week, it's going to be the bare-bones version, assuming I even get it done. But, I have the necessary supplies, and I went to town on some foamcore with two cans of gold spraypaint yesterday. Hopefully, I'll get it done in time for the party on Saturday; if not, then I guess Chun Li or Xianghua will be making another appearance.

As far as tonight, I can't decide: wushu, derby, or neither? My heart is leaning slightly towards Derby, because I'm tired and will probably suck at chainwhip today, and also SKATINGSKATINGSKATING. My sense of responsibility is leaning towards Wushu, because I probably *should* be ready for the belt test, and they might announce it tonight. But my headache is currently voting Neither. WE SHALL SEE. :O

It's nice to have some of my energy back. I got a lot done yesterday! And I had the house cleaned, too. I'm also acquiring one dakania at the airport later tonight, so the roommate fiesta will finally be on. I guess I can't complain *too* much. :)

However, this parade of snot can feel free to exit my sinuses at any time. Juuuuust sayin'.

movies, complaining, crafting

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