Prelude to PAX recap

Sep 07, 2010 15:41

I'm not sure what it was, but it's seeming like this round of PAX was at least a little weird for everyone.

The most notable difference for me? I spent a LOT of time wandering alone. Some of it was by choice, some of it was not, and I did also get to see a greater number of friends than I did last year. I had drive-by encounters with more familiar faces than last year, and actually got to hang out with friends that I didn't even physically see at last year's PAX.

But, yes, I spent a lot of time alone, and there were definitely a lot of factors that went into it. Part of it was the god-awful phone/network reception (thanks, AT&T! ::eyeroll::) and not being able to communicate with anyone particularly well. There were friends I didn't get to spend time with as much as I'd have liked, or even at ALL, because I couldn't find out where they were or what they were doing in any reasonable timeframe.

Part of it was the need to retreat into my own mental space, after the barrage of photo requests from strangers on Costume Day. Part of it was being interested in things that most/all of my friends weren't as excited about checking out. Part of it was keeping some distance between my dear friends and my emotions, because a lot of things I felt at various times were just signs that I need to get over myself, and I didn't want that to spill all over my fun *or* anyone else's. And, well, a lot of it was just going into this PAX even more exhausted, overtaxed, and overwhelmed than I was last year. (is that even possible? Heh.)

I also have to take a moment to look at the good and the bad of the whole PAX environment. Having embarked on the adventure of costuming at a convention for the first time, I've already witnessed some pretty ugly behavior, via photos and commentary post-convention. I've managed to filter my online universe enough that I don't see it often anymore, but the ability some people have to say things via the online medium that they'd never say to a person's face is just appalling. There are times when I'd really like to punch the internet in the groin.

But, on the flip side of that, wandering alone also exposed me to the warm-and-fuzzy PAX that everyone talks about. I was reminded of my experience at PAX '09, when I discovered just how easy it was to simply walk up and talk to a stranger, or to jump in on their one-member-short Rock Band group, or to join in on a game with your line neighbors while waiting for a panel. Even when I was in costume, people were usually polite about asking for photos, and, when I was busy trying to text a friend, a few even offered to sod off and come back later, without prompt from me. It was a nice reminder that, hey, people aren't always as scary as my brain makes them out to be. And there are people who are ready to give to those around them in beautiful ways.

Anyhoo, my karmic retribution for making my Save vs. PaxFlu 2009 seems to be that I caught a cold at this year's PAX, instead, so my formal recap will have to wait until I fight off the Con Crud and I can actually recall what happened in anything resembling chronological order. ;)

awesome people, travels, people who can die in a fire, gaming

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