May 18, 2005 18:47
Im at chad's with Colton,Chris, and now Veronique. YAY
Chad is not here... by the way all seniors where senior shirts tomorrow.
Some one should jump on chris and wake him up.. no thats mean. we should just kill Colton
no thats mean to I dont know why im writing this down but it would be cool if we shaved colton's head.
Who does Colton like??? the world will never know (J' Gatsby)
Veronique should have a long beard. No she is black, no she should have a shaved head, Skeeter are you havingissues typing, no beacuse I would have issues typing. Deaf girls get arroused when Veronique sighns to them. Jessica should call beacuse V wishes she had a penis. She also said her vagina was like a key hole. V want to rip Colton's pants off.