Jun 20, 2008 14:40
I purchased a FPS, Rainbox Six Vegas 2 (I guess weekend with bernie 1 wasn't good enough). I like the gameplay, and there's some great stuff in the game.
Except for one eensy detail.
After I changed out the MP5n from the first time-- the MP5 with the suppressor? -- I haven't had a suppressed weapon since then. (There is a sniper rifle with a suppressor, I guess.) So, in the midst of playing one of the levels, I'm advised by the game that my team and I should fit silencers, and oh by the way you do that by holding down whatever you've mapped for the reload key.
Now, after combing through the instructions (on paper) and seeing nothing, and combing through the PDF manual included on the disc, and seeing nothing, I was just a tad annoyed. Thanks for the info, guys. I'm almost bloody done with the game and NOW you tell me I could have had suppressors every step of the way? Stupid Ubisoft. Stupid manual writers.
How do you reset all the experience levels? Or are you stuck with you 42nd level Marksman forever, as long as you have this copy of the install on your hard drive?