Apr 22, 2004 08:57
Discovering the online journal from a couple of my friends, I decided that it would be entertaining to participate and have one for myself. Last night I created this, and I began to write. Infact I wrote a whole lot, and then my computer crashed, like it usually does. So I thought why not write it at school? Anyways other than that, this is pretty much my first time writing in a journal at all. I usually write music, so it will be a little bit more difficult to write without all the bs symbolic fragments that really doesn't mean anything. Okay to another topic... in the mornings i'm always really content... Then as the day progresses I end up becoming angry or sad due to the stupid people that surround me. Such as kids who are (as this cool chick Steph called them) Hate-edge. Haha. Silly. Anyways they really make me angry.. They hate everything and I encounter them when i'm on the bus traveling to Clover Hill, at Clover Hill, on the bus going to Appomattox, at Appomattox, when I leave Appomattox, even when i'm at home! I don't understand it... It's so much more work to hate something than to love something... This is where these kids that hate stuff are hypocrites... most kids that I know that are filled with hatred don't want you to talk to them, no matter who you are... yet people are going to wonder why they hate everything, therefore asking questions and not leaving the person alone. If you love everything there really isn't any reason for a person to ask you many questions if they feel as though you don't have a problem with them. Then there are kids that are surrounded by this wall of fake. They laugh alot, are really loud so that everyone in a mile radius will hear them, and just talk about things that don't matter to me. It's not like I hate people who are like that it's just that, infact some are my friends, it's just I see the real them screaming to come out. They have their own interest, their own opinions that they put down in order to make themselves feel wanted. I feel sad for them. Then there are kids who that just suck. They have no goals, no nothing. They just waste valuable oxygen.. In my mind I just am just annoyed by insignificant things I guess but i'll get over it. Right now i'm in recording technology... and this class is a major slack class... I want to scream... very few people in the class actually care about music, they are just enrolled in the class for an easy A. I love music, I want to do something other then just sitting here! Oh I can study science... I love science now for some reason... I was horrible at it until YESTERDAY! I did not understand one thing until I decided that feeling retarded as you attempted to understand one word that dropped out of your instructors mouth SUCKS. So I reread every lesson we did the whole year in like four hours... and I understand everything! Megan agrees, i'm a god now. Haha. Need to know anything about cell respiration? (The process in which cells break down organic compounds to create Atp... which is the energy needed to keep the cells functions going...) I can tell you anything to do with that... WITH DETAIL. Now that I actually now what I am doing it's so much fun. I loooove it. My cd is coming out soon so get ready. It won't be a full cd, because David gave me some really good advice. It's my first cd and I need to make it a sample... maybe like 4-6 songs. Well I have stuff I need to do for other classes so peace.