The fact is apparent that I have neglected to visit this site for a series of months. Yet, reading the topics I chose to discuss in my past, forced many realizations to arise to my attention. The first revealed the large change that has taken place within such a short amount of time. The topics I disscussed in my journal were dull events that no
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The Basics
-Focus Area:
Social Studies
-Who was the first friend you made at ARGS?
-How did you meet?
-Are you still friends?
-Who is/are your best friend(s) at ARGS?
-Who do you hang out with this year that you didn’t hang out with last year?
-First and last “significant other” at ARGS?
-What’s the worst rumor anyone ever spread about you?
The New Regime
-What’s the best thing about life under the school’s new administration?
-What’s the worst thing?
-What do you miss about last year?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done:
-in the black box?
-on the catwalk?
-in the locker room?
-anywhere else?
When was the last time you
-cut class?
-skipped school?
-urinated on the walls?
Who are the top three
-hottest people at school?
-most annoying?
-best/worst teachers?
-most talented people?
-smartest people?
-most individual people?
-people you would like to know but don’t?
-Which focus area is the best?
-Which focus area is the worst?
-Who is your favorite ARGS alumni?
-Were you a cruncher or a creamer?
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