Jun 20, 2005 02:55
I'm back home in Anaheim for the weekend with Lili. We're headed out to Matt's Sublime Tribute Concert tomorrow which sounds like a lot of fun! It's really starting to take off...KROQ infiltrated up the show as one of their own, so it could sell out. Los Lobos and Fishbone are playing so I'm excited. Matt said that the new album just shipped with a grand total of 700,000 copies to be released on Tues!! And Best Buy is sporting the album in all of their weekly ads...that's a potential 100 Million readers!!
I'm really happy for Matt and Cornerstone RAS. They are all good guys and have been working hard to put this release out. It will be weird to see how they react to the sudden influx of clout and money considering the next largest release they have had sold is only around 15,000 units. Best O' Luck guys.