May 14, 2006 15:35
mmk. i havent really had the time to sit down and rant on a blog in while, so i will carpe diem and do it now :)
April was a wierd month, considering that I went to SLO and had an.. experience. (ask me about it, and if i know you well enough, ill tell you) anyway, I headed back down there during spring break with my parents and I have to say that it reassured my decision of going there despite SJSU's massive incentives *shrug* Anyway, my parents liked it a lot too, since the city itself is very conservative - good change from MSJ (i'm definitely gonna be happy there) I can say the same for the female population, which is actually attractive (no offense msj ladies :D) I thinnk it all worked out for the best.. I mean, I wanted UCLA really badly, but that turned to be a bummer for me. I was really pissed about it, since certain people who didn't deserve to get in, atleast in my POV. ANYWAY, I'm over it.. SLO is rated higher for chicks, and the EE program is nationally recognized. And I can probably actually be in the top ~5-10f the graduating class without killing myself by studying. Thats all I have to say about colleges at this point.
I finally convince my parents to let me install my V1 yesterday, after 2 weeks of debating my parents. Turns out that the cocksucker I bought it from screwed me over and the fucking thing doesn't turn on. I can either chuck it (not really an option, considering I've spent 50 bucks on it already), spend 45 bucks and have Valentine repair it, or spend 280 and upgrade to the newest version 1.8. To top this off, my hardwiring was freakishly neat and so nice -_- hopefully, my luck with cops will hold out until I get a radar detector that actually works.
AP Tests weren't too bad, considering I didn't really pay attention to chemistry or calculus. Ah well, I'll settle for a 3. Senioritis has really kicked in and I've started to feel so damn lazy and lethargic. I have no motivation to open any fucking book... After a while, I'll open it and then start IMing people so.. yeah. Not really studying hm? Whatever. There's 33 days left until graduation, and I need to kind of get my shit together since my GPA is in the toilet. That shouldn't be too hard, assuming I show up to class and participate in the activities (at this point, they are all BS points anyway).
We were to go to the beach this weekend, but Camacho decided to change his mind about the Chem final and that screwed up plans for next weekend too. So, as of now, we're going on Memorial Day and just letting it all hang out. We haven't really done much, in the stupid sense, in a long time and its long overdue.
This weekend wasn't too bad. Hell, this week, after chem wasnt too bad at all. I went hiking up Mission Peak with Tao and Chris. We are seriously out of shape.. its pretty sad. So yeah, we decided to go atleast 4-5x a week and until now, we've kept up to the resolution. It's fun since we can talk our asses off on the way down and it's a good workout. We get to spend a little more time with each other before we all go to different places all over california. Yesterday, we just hung out at michael's house and did some kareoke after a long time.. i think the last time was in february? It definitely wasn't for the squeamish. We sucked but yeah.. it was fun :)
Good times. I'm gonna miss all this shit. But I guess thats life..
Prom is coming up in June and that should be fun as hell. We're still behind, considering the fact that we have no idea how many people are going (confirmed, that is) in our group. That needs to be resolved this week and we need to make reservations at whichever restaurant we wanna eat at.
I'm not totally sure about my summer plans, but I definitely wanna do a road trip down to SoCal or Vegas. I'm probably gonna change my commitments a little, so that I can spend a little more time with my parents (good times, hopefully) before I'm out. Also, I need to get in shape since Pismo is very close to SLO :D and that would take up a lot of my time over summer. I'm happy that I'm actually getting a real summer (SLO starts September 22nd and MSJ ends on June 15th) of a little over 3 months.
Wow. I've been writing for the past 35 minutes. I'm tired. Too much brain work for this time of year.
Oh yeah, my brakes started squealing and the metallic noise is pissing me off. I need to replace the brake pads soon. I think that pretty much summarizes all the issues on my mind now. I'll churn out another one if I've missed something.