well, julie IMed me today, telling me to update, since reading my posts amuse her sooo very much. i cant blame her, i AM the coolest person on the earth, after all ;-).
These last couple of days have been most interesting. i had a rotten harp lesson yesterday. my stupid teacher annoys me, not telling me anything im doing wrong. "steven, i just think its best that you just run your material and i dont say anything." so what am i paying you for, bitch? well... what is my MOM paying you for bitch? psh. stupid dried up 60 year old virgin. But i taught the swearer a piano lesson right before my harp lesson, and she didnt swear at all! it was great. its hilarious, though, listening to her swear cause shes 10 years old. seeing a 10 year old cuss at a piano can really make a persons day, you know.
monday was most fun! the biotch came over and got baja, made muffins and a cake. yum yum. we also made a smashing cooking show. "And I just got out of rehab... for glue sniffing. just thinking about that glue.... makes me wanna burn this mother fucker down!" ahahah!great stuff indeed. i also made jolly good friends with the order taker at baja! lol
i broke up with nicole yet AGAIN (hopefully forever) a couple days ago. shes a creep, trrashtalking my friends. pshh... briana introduced me to her friend jackie, though, and shes cool as hell. lets see how it goes :-)
im getting my piano tomrorow! hoorah!!!!
i have something realy funnny for every one! probably only my orchestra homies will understand ALL of it, but a hell of a lot of it is hilarious, even if you're not musical.
http://www.whitetreeaz.com/gibber/faeries_aire_and_death_waltz.jpg and yes, the intermezzo that is my music is from my 20 cd set baby!!!