Jan 03, 2006 15:14
the scene: my house- 8 am this morning, my dad dancing on the couch in the living room in his sweatpants
enter me
me: ...good morning dad..
dad in womans voice: not me babe, I'm too precious, so FUCK OFF!*rocker jumps off couch and leaves room*
I love that my dad listens to the pretenders.
I can't feel half of my face. I got 3 cavities filled today, 3 more tomorrow. And the sad thing is? I take good care of my teef. the dentist even said " You have virtually no plaque or anything on any of your teeth, but yer wisdom teeth are pushing your molars together...so yea....you're looking at 6 fillings."
DAng. And 3 shots of novacaine before I was numb enough for them to do anything.