Here's a thought. If public transport is running anyway, is biking instead actually less green? (water/heating use for shower, etc.)
I guess the long term view is everyone would bike. But what if you're journey is the last leg on a longer train schedule used by people for whom biking isn't really a viable option due to distance of commute? Is the long term view that they should work/live closer so that they can bike?
Leaving a PC on overnight for an update is bobbins. If time is so essential the company could probably save money by instead paying someone to come round the office half an hour before everyone is due in and turn them all on so they can update on boot. Or have an update now link on the intranet that people can click when they go to lunch. Heck, with a bit of talking between staff the early starters could turn other people's machines on and the late leavers could turn everything off. Do updates in idle time when people aren't logged in. Or ... in the next round of hardware upgrades get low power screen only workstations and a central terminal server type setup.
If I can work out British Gas's pricing structure I might go onto a green tarif. Currently I seem to on a tarif they don't have!
The other bit doesn't sound like it will reduce emissions by 10%. If my maths is ok and assuming alternative transport is 50% less emissions you'd need to do 20% flights into non-flight transport. So 1 in 5. Which doesn't sound so bad. I've no idea whether 50% less emissions is anywhere near the right ball park though!
I guess the long term view is everyone would bike. But what if you're journey is the last leg on a longer train schedule used by people for whom biking isn't really a viable option due to distance of commute? Is the long term view that they should work/live closer so that they can bike?
Leaving a PC on overnight for an update is bobbins. If time is so essential the company could probably save money by instead paying someone to come round the office half an hour before everyone is due in and turn them all on so they can update on boot. Or have an update now link on the intranet that people can click when they go to lunch. Heck, with a bit of talking between staff the early starters could turn other people's machines on and the late leavers could turn everything off. Do updates in idle time when people aren't logged in. Or ... in the next round of hardware upgrades get low power screen only workstations and a central terminal server type setup.
If I can work out British Gas's pricing structure I might go onto a green tarif. Currently I seem to on a tarif they don't have!
Since the challenge is 10:10, how about 10% of flights into non-flight transport? That doesn't sound too gruesome.
The other bit doesn't sound like it will reduce emissions by 10%. If my maths is ok and assuming alternative transport is 50% less emissions you'd need to do 20% flights into non-flight transport. So 1 in 5. Which doesn't sound so bad. I've no idea whether 50% less emissions is anywhere near the right ball park though!
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