(no subject)

Aug 16, 2007 12:56

*soft, sad, slow music plays on an accordian or out-of-tune organ*

We had a death in the household last night.
We stand in mourning.
It's always especially tragic when one so young must go.
It tugs at your heart, knowing that if that one had remained alive, it could have contributed so much to the world.
We barely had time to get to know it in the year and a half it was with us, but we came to love and treasure it.
It became dear to us.
Depended upon.
It was clean and elegant. Quiet. Efficient. Undemanding.
And now it is gone.

We tried everything we could to resuccitate it, from electric shock to minor surgery, but to no avail.
It has left us.
It was just too good for this world.

Farewell, rice cooker.
You will be missed.

At least until the Amazon order containing your replacement comes in.
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