The Last Kiss

Sep 19, 2006 06:04

VERY Dissappointing...I think I've put ZB on a movie-making pedestal. So I went in with high hopes. I received an unbelievably infuriating tale of a character that was just a complete moron. Forced to make an obvious choice between greatness and mediocrity, and he obviously falters on his journey to figure it out. And of course the chick from the O.C. doing what she does best/the only hting she can do, which is act like a spunk/horny teenager.

I can't say I hated the movie, because ZB still can pick a pretty cool soundtrack. And Casey Affleck was so "Aff"-able in this even as his character made dumb decisions too.

Maybe I expected a funny with a helping of drama, but instead got a giant crock pot of drama with a tiny sprinkling of funny at the very end. I kept laughing at parts that weren't funny, because they were too painful to watch otherwise.

The very best moment in the movie, happened about 3 minutes before the credits roled. It was the part of the movie where they stopped over-dramatizing everything and came to the point of it all. It ended better than I expected, since the whole movie up to that point led me to believe they would draw out every single thing until there was nothing left to tell.

The dialogue was lame, which leads me to believe that Paul Haggis needs to find a new job. Because I really just hate him now...

ok rant over...don't see The Last Kiss (except for the final three minutes - which stand fine without the whole movie before it - what does THAT say?)...but DO listen to the album.

p.s. the only thing I can say which will redeem my dear ZB - is that he did not write or direct this movie...

EDIT: OK - I hate Paul Haggis - this is clear. Would you like to know why? Well, Crash and The Last Kiss have one very large thing in common. He's dumbed-down the art form of film for the "everyday people." He hands you your lesson/moral of the story on a silver platter and says "Hi, everyone. None of you are smart enough to have complex thoughts in your head. So let's write movies that pretend to be thoughtful, when really they are festering piles of..." ok I'm done now - PH should have stuck to mediocre TV show writing.

EDIT #2: I read in my EW this morning that ZB was behind the final scene (the only part of the movie I did like) all is explained!

zach braff, movies, movies that suck, the last kiss

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