(no subject)

Oct 26, 2004 05:23

I had forgotten how nice sleeping in a four-poster bed is. Just...lovely. Reminds me of holidays in the Scone before I go home to the UU.

So, yes, in Lancre castle, thanks to the kindness of TJ's brother, Verence who looks just like him. How...queer. How odd. I happen to look nothing like my siblings, and their all full-blooded. Ah well. So, King Verence? Thanks. A lot.

Sadly, have lost the map I was making somewhere on the carriage ride. May make one here in Lancre to make up for it.

When Vlad sleeps. Which he is going to do right NOW. Because, I need to smoke. And he needs to sleep. And I refuse to do so UNTIL he sleeps. Which is going to end up being a circular arugment, with me adding more and more reasons for him to sleep.


TJ is looking better. Kinda. Hasn't really woken up yet, but don't blame him.

Still want to set fire to Vlad's sister, though.
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