Oct 01, 2011 15:00
The seas rage and the storm clouds rise up higher on the horizon. All attempts to stop the coming sorm have failed and mankind is left to prepare for coming disaster. What measures can they take to stave off the forces of darkenss at work in the world today? What sanctuary presents itself? What hope for the future?
As it states in the Bible "Watchman what of the night?"
America finds herself standing on the brink of a financial and moral abyss as it never has since its conception. How our leaders and our churches respond to this grave situation will make the difference between life and death for democracy itself.
In this last generation we have been given a great gift of freedom and material wealth such as has never been experienced by a whole nation ever in history. what have we done with this gift that is from God Himself? We have consumed it upon our lusts, used it to further our agendas and neglected HIs Word, His church, and His great commision of sending out the gospel to all the world. We've sat in our church pews and enjoyed our blessings with no regard to the call o God on our lives to go and win souls in our own towns and cities and country as well as on foreign plains.
What will become of America the great shining light of freedom to the world? No one but God knows. Is disaster and ruin inevitable because of our sins that have risen up to heaven and become a stench in the nostrils of God? Sins such as abortion and immoratlity. Violence stretchs across our land because we have devalued human life at its very conception and pridefully believed we had the right to abort. We have the right to do what we feel like, to gain prosperity at any cost whatever wheter it be deceit, cheating,or lying we have a right to gain all the pleasure for ourselves that we can at the expense of the gospel and the missionaries in dire need of support. We have drowned ourselves in debt reaching for our lusts to be fulfilled and for what? For the cost of democracy for ourselves and for our children.
We have forgotten God the fountain of living water and hewed out broken cisterns that hold no water.Jeremiah 2:13. We have taken away the innocence of our children and can not provide them a drink of living water. We are dying ourselves of thirst and when we send our little ones out for water all they find are broken cisterens and we are ashamed as they grow up bitter and angry and misguided without God. Seeking for something to satisfy but never finding it because we have provided all the worldly comforts for them. We have involved them in sports and dance and all kinds of activites to enrich their mortal lives but left out the most important of all the instruction of their immortal soul. With out this instruction they flounder around trying drugs and alcohol and sex to fill a void that can only be fillled by God.
We have denied them, by not taking the to a house of worship, access to their eternal Creator that loves them and desires good things for them. In our vanity we have thought we know what is best for them. We have left God out of the picture entirely bringing up generation after generation that know not God as the scripture relates about the children of Israel that came to this crossroad as the generation came up that had not seen God's miracles nor heard of them.
We need desparetly to return to the old paths and remove not the ancient landmark and return to our churches. Return to reading our Bibles and sharing God's Word with our children and not stopping there we share it with our neighbors and friends. Then hopefully we will see a spirtual revival and the salvation of America and democracy.
These words may seem harshs and they are not neccesarily directed at you. but they hold a truth about the sad condition of our United States of America and think it behooves us all to take a closer look at our lives and see what we can so to be part of the solution and not the problem.
lving water