Apr 20, 2003 19:19
So... much... candy. Why are grandparents so compelled to stuff younger generations with desserts to the point of bursting?? And I had to visit both my mom's and dad's parents today. Aggggggggaaaaaaahhhhhh. It is possible to have too much of a good thing. Said 'good thing' being sugar. Don't you love how my heart has captured the true meaning of Easter?!?! Ehh, Jesus Schmesus. *Sigh* well after a long day of visiting family (aka binging on chocolate eggs and napping on various relatives' couches) I'm bored and looking for something to do. Hopefully I can make use of my last night of spring break. Only one more day off. Booo. I should probably just give in and join some of my friends in their 4/20 festivities. Then again, meh, weed. Not a fan. Maybe I can just take part in some second hand inhalation. Decisions decisions. Or I could find someone to roam around with. Anything to get out of doing AP history work tonight. Hmmmm. I think I'm off to shower and search for amusement...