(no subject)

May 15, 2003 20:14

C Skava 9: my dad is such a jerk
Cassie31486: how come?
C Skava 9: ok... so my mom brought me home after school. we were talking, and i asked her if she saw the last episode of dawson's. she told me she hadn't, asked me what happened, and i told her she should just watch it whenever they rerun it. because i didnt even see it myself, i only knew what happened from meredith. i didnt think much of that conversation. and i was all crampy and exhausted so i went straight up to bed.
Cassie31486: right
C Skava 9: then, around 4:20, she came upstairs, ripped the covers off of me, and told me to come downstairs to help her choreograph part of this piece she's working on (she needed help with partnering or something)
C Skava 9: and i was ASLEEP for god's sake
Cassie31486: ohhh geeze
C Skava 9: so i obviously told her that i was taking a nap and that i wasnt going to help her right that moment
Cassie31486: hahaha right
C Skava 9: and she snorted or something and went downstairs
C Skava 9: then, at 7, i woke up
C Skava 9: and i walked downstairs
Cassie31486: yeah
C Skava 9: and my dad was there watching TV, and he was like "claire, you need to tell your mom what happened on dawson's. she thinks you're being mean to her by not telling her."
C Skava 9: and i was like WHAT THE HELL
Cassie31486: hahaha
Cassie31486: oh godddd
C Skava 9: because she only asked me like once and i figured it wasn't a life or death issue
C Skava 9: good god
C Skava 9: and THEN
Cassie31486: haha exaxctly
C Skava 9: i was like "DUDE, if i'm being inconsiderate by doing that, then how is it any better for her to come upstairs while i'm asleep and like demand that i get up to go dance around in the living room"
C Skava 9: so, instead of agreeing with me like a sane human being and saying something normal like "yea, well i guess you were both being a little rude" or whatever
Cassie31486: hahahaha
Cassie31486: oh god
Cassie31486: hahaha
C Skava 9: my dad goes off into this speech about how my parents are ALLOWED to do things like that to me
C Skava 9: because i'm their DAUGHTER
C Skava 9: and how my mom wouldn't have asked me to do that if it wasn't 'really important'
C Skava 9: and how they do so much for me and i do nothing for them
Cassie31486: hahahahhaa i HATE THAT... im always like, oh,so you can be a jackass b/c you gave birth to me??? no.
C Skava 9: and that i need to stop complaining because i'm not the perfect daughter
Cassie31486: we're teenagers, we're SUPPOSED to be selfish
C Skava 9: such unneccessary bullshit
C Skava 9: I KNOW
C Skava 9: and i'm sorry, it's RUDE to wake someone up while they're taking a nap and they politely ask you to leave
Cassie31486: hahaha no i know
C Skava 9: i just hate how every single thing i do gets turned into some ethical blunder
Cassie31486: they just think our lives are peaches and cream and we dont have any stress, and if we do, it must not be that important
C Skava 9: and my dad feels the need to be demeaning and belittle my strength of character
Cassie31486: right, well it makes him seem more correct
C Skava 9: i mean, HOLY JESUS SHITFUCKERS, we're fucking talking about dawson's creek and choreography
C Skava 9: i don't even know why it got brought up in the first place
Cassie31486: hahaha, god, all about a sitcom
C Skava 9: aggggaaaahhhhh. they're so fucking condescending. i'm sorry, but i take pride in having the insight to know when i'm being horrible. whatever happened after school wasn't one of those times.
C Skava 9: i just hate how my parents constantly make me feel like the most selfish little bitch constantly
C Skava 9: and that's not an exaggerration
Cassie31486: right... i think parents sometimes just look for excuses to bring up their issues
C Skava 9: it pissed me off
C Skava 9: i'm not perfect but neither are they
Cassie31486: no exactly
C Skava 9: and everything i do turns into me not appreciating all this shit they do for me
C Skava 9: all i wanted was a nap!!
C Skava 9: they're allowed to be annoyed with me for little things i do, but it goes both ways
C Skava 9: i'm allowed to be irritated with them too, you know
Cassie31486: no i know that was like the other night when my mom got mad b/c i slept through dinner, and im laying there trying to sleep and shes going off about how "you need to go to bed earlier, youre being irrisponsible, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT???" im like, dude, im ASLEEP
Cassie31486: and so then i felt guilty
C Skava 9: yea
C Skava 9: i have no problem with admitting when i've been a jerk
Cassie31486: oh i know
Cassie31486: same
C Skava 9: but aaaaahh just let me SLEEP and not feel bad about it

PS... The Matrix = Sexy As Hell.
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