Jan 07, 2008 12:03
Real quickly -- how long did it take for you who used Prevacid to really start to see an improvement in the reflux?
I just got back from the ENT appointment - which I'll talk about later, but for now I want to know how long it took for that medicine to start working. The ENT thinks that this is exasperated by her reflux and then when that gets under control then we might start to see some improvement.
Ugh last night and this morning were terrible. She barfed up everything she ate and now I am worried about her getting enough fluids. That is my second question:
Tell me how much vomited your kids did, how often and how much? And how soon after eating did they barf?
I feel like she might be aspirating on the vomits way back up because the thickener makes it SOO thick. Her breathing is terrible afterward. God. I wish someone would just tell me that everything will be okay.