Herein lies Friday Photos.
You know for being a hermit, I've been pretty darn social this past week. Maybe my hermitage is over? There was the wedding, then the new member social for the Mom's East side club, then scrabble at Laima's Wednesday night, followed by a play group outing to the Children's Musuem with two other moms/tots on Thursday. Today I went to Trader Joes to splurge on fun snacks. I got some freeze dried blueberries for Morella that taste awesome as well as some other great snacks and fully cooked sushi for tonight's Battlestar. Woo! The best part was that I bought a bouquet of flowers for myself for only 10$ -- I mean, really exquisite -- and ended up getting them for free because of the sample lady! What a really nice gesture! I was pretty happy about it. It's such a nice set of flower too...yellow/red roses, irises...some other stuff...
The sucky thing about today is that I woke up with a headache. I don't think it's going to go away anytime soon either. :( Bummer. Oh wait, I have a face mask in the freezer that is ready for use. I should use that on my head while I take my afternoon nap...which by the way is already in progress. So without further ado, let me post some pictures and then get my booty to bed.
Congratulations to the newlyweds - Chad and Laura! What a beautiful pair.
Look at those cheeks! She looks like a mini AlfredHitchcock here. Morella and Pink Kitty take this wedding business very seriously for about .... uh 10 minutes.
Taking a break to admire herself in the window. Her dress came off so that she could crawl around better. Consider that a fair number of the attendees were or are former goths, the outfit was entirely appropriate.
Tim, Chuck, Lowen, Sigrid and Matt all came over last Wednesay to eat some snacks, drink some booze and chat. It was a nice evening. Oh yeah, and Pluto got lots of pets. You can see here that he was going to follow willing hands as far as he could.