(no subject)

Jun 08, 2006 02:28

Stupid, hot girl runs a stop sign today on Greenbriar and Dulles...
Stupid, hot girl then slammed her breaks just in time to gently hit me as I was turning left...
Stupid, hot girl left a few knicks in the paint on my new front bumper, and cracked my right blinker, though it still works fine. It just has a little crack. She received some silver paint my car so nicely put on her front end, allowing it to be wiped off with merely a finger. Figures...
Handsome, dashing, awesome guy, gets her number, both cell and home, and lets her go, telling stupid, hot girl he'd call her if anything happens to his car in the near future because of the accident...
Handsome, dashing, awesome guy then goes to taste test survey group, where he simply eats Cheesecake Scoopables and receives a check for $85. I smell more weed time...
Handsome, dashing, awesome guy then goes home and realizes the plastic shell that makes the ceiling of the wheel-well has been moved because of the collision, and sticking out a bit. Also, handsome, dashing, awesome guy's tires seem to creak when he turns, but he's not sure if that's because of the accident, or if that's always been there, just not being listened for...
Maybe handsome, dashing, awesome guy can somehow use his newly acquired number and situation to call stupid, hot girl and get a date. She is after all, stupid and very hot. And she owes me...
Handsome, dashing, awesome guy also made a startling discovery. He learned that he draws 100x better stoned! Whooda thunk it?

- Handsome, Dashing, Awesome Guy
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