Jun 09, 2005 18:47
ok...so lately ive been thinking. the last few days of school are going by not as fast as id like them to but they are going. ive been getting ready for finals in much of my classes. i have a final in preatty much every calss except for band. my LA final is preatty simple, as are some of my other finals. my cisco final should be medocore in difficulty along with my japanese final. i guess studying will take a lot out of me when the time comes.
now, i got a few comments about the new summer since my life has change dramaticly. yes, i do have a girlfriend this summer, and we are both doing all-city which will make things a hell of a lot better when it comes to seeing chloe.it started a couple days ago when i was talking about summer and all city with kita. she was telling me about pimpleton and how good the summer will be and it made me think of chloe a lot and how cool it will be to see her everyday, but i got to thinking of how things will be when we are always seeing each other everyday. i mean think about it. imagine someone who you loved with all of your heart and missed all the time, lived accross town and your only way of getting there was by someone driving you, taking the bus which takes about two hours to get there just to see them for ten minuets, or walk, while going to school during the day, them doing a lot of there own stuff, you doing your own stuff, and a bunch of other crap, then have it suddenly change in one day where you see them preatty much everyday for at least three hours a day. it can make someone re-think about something so powerful as a relationship. i know chloe and she knows me. we loved each other with all our hearts, we would never think about leaving each other, but what if it were to happen. what if some random day someone pissed me off to the point that maybe i made that decision. what would happen to me...to her...to our lives....to all of us.
spencer was talking about this exact topic to me of how its going to change when all-city starts...practice three dyas a week, three hours a practice. parades, events, hanging out before practice. you would think that spending as much time as possible would be the greatest thing ever for two lovers to have when they've been apart this whole time while just seeing each other once a month. i dont know...but i can say that no matter what happens...whether good or bad...i will always love chloe with all my heart...whether were going out, or just plain frineds with the harmony in the past and the cinderella story to happen soon. i know one fact...we will always be together...
I get all...numb
When she sings it's over
Such a strange numb
And it brings my knees to the earth
And God bless you all
For the song you saved us...
You're the same...numb
When you sing it's over
Such a strange numb
It could bring back peace to the earth
So God bless you all
For the song you saved us...oh...
For the hearts you break, everytime you moan...
I get all...numb
We're the same numb
And it brings our knees to the earth
So God bless you all
For the song you saved us..oh...
For the hearts you break, everytime you moan
And God bless you all on the earth...