(no subject)

Jun 03, 2004 10:37

5 things that scare you: >
1) panic attacks
2) not ever moving on with my life
3) never becoming independent
4) losing my loved ones
5) getting caught doing illegal things

5 things that make you laugh:
1) my girl friends
2) superman will make you gay http://www2.b3ta.com/spidermanwillmakeyougay/
3) happy music
4) 25 cent
5) brass monkey

5 things you love:
1) creativity
2) music
3) food
4) friends
5) history

5 things you hate:
1) confusion....and how i'm always in that state.
2) frustration
3) not being able to trust people not to hurt me
4) music that does not fit my mood
5) people being in my way.

5 things you don't understand:
1) my dad and my reactions to him
2) fairies
3) creativity and how it comes and goes.
4) why i can't just accept the bad in people and stop trying to see good in everyone.
5) babble mode.

5 things on your desk:

1) computer
2) touch lamp
3) good food book test
4) taxi coffee cup with a skeleton pen and glow sticks in it
5) cd-r's

Right now you are:
1) Listening to randomness..."kiss an angel good morning" by charlie rich at the moment
2) singing along with said song and somewhat dancing in my seat :-)
3) trying to decide what to do with my day
4) living my life day by day....i don't need to know what i'm going to do in 10 years.
5) thinking that someone with a really loud car needs to shut up.

5 negative facts about you:
1) i don't speak up
2) i'm indecisive
3) i don't act on my decisions
4) my memory sucks
5) i smoke too much

5 Positive facts about you:
1) i think about others
2) i learn things quickly
3) i help when i can
4) i'm creative
5) i have the ability to completely change my life, whether i see it or not.

5 things you plan to do before you die:
1) love
2) travel down the amazon
3) own a house that is truly me
4) own a restaraunt
5) change people's lives

5 things you can do:
1) listen - feedback or no feedback
2) share my knowledge
3) control my diet and exercise (and lose 65lbs as a bonus!)
4) educate myself...even if i'm not in school
5) create my future

5 Things You Can't Do:
1) control my future....
2) understand the universe
3) force my body to be healthy
4) control other people
5) change other people's opinions.

5 Famous People You Want To Meet:

Top five things you like about the opposite sex:
1) intensity
2) simplicity
3) strong arms
4) dancing (or trying)
5) voices

top 5 things you say the most:
1) fuck
2) i'm sorry
3) what?
4) wanna smoke?
5) let's do something

Name on Birth Certificate: kristina robyn schulz
Nickname: skatina, tina, ?
Age : 19 years. 20 in 25 days!
High School : Minneapolis Southwest
College : U of M for 1 1/2 yrs but not anymore
Color of eyes: Green
Shoe Size : 8.5-9.5
Brothers and or Sisters: nope. although hannah sometimes feels like a sister
When's your bedtime: when i'm sleepy and home.
Sign: cancer

---------------HAVE YOU EVER---------
Ever been so drunk you blacked out: don't think i blacked out...but i don't remember a few nights..
Been in a car accident: none that were bad.
Been hurt emotionally: never. (can you hear the sarcasm?)
Kept a secret from everyone: i'm sure i have.
Had an imaginary friend: nope
Wanted to hook up with a friend: hmm...lets see....yes.
Cried during a Movie: that happens all too frequently!
Had a crush on a teacher: student teacher, yes.
Ever thought an animated character was hot: yes!
Had a New Kids on the Block tape: nope.

Shampoo: nature's gate herbal. either the original or aloe vera treatment
Color: green, purple, red, black, blue.
Summer or Winter: winter, but i can't deal with no sun, so summer.
Lace or satin: satin
Cartoon Character: eyeore
Favorite food: food that i miss...big mike's subs
Favorite movie: charlie and the chocolate factory, ever after, shakespeare in love, clueless, romeo and juliet (the 90's version)
Favorite Ice Cream: now it's soy delicious fruit sweetened peanut butter and chocolate, or fruit sweetened vanilla with maple syrup. also sonny's fresh banana but i can't have it right now :-(
Favorite drink: spritzers with vodka.
Soft Drink: none.

------------------RIGHT NOW------------
Wearing : sweatpants and a red beater type tank
Drinking: nothing
Eating: nothing.
Thinking About: i want to meet a boy.

---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------
Cried: nope.
Worn a skirt : yes. and another one might be in order today.
Cleaned your room: started it.
Done laundry : again, started it.
Drove a car: yup!

-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-------
Yourself: surprisingly, more often than not.
Friends: I want to
Santa Claus: yes.
Tooth Fairy: no
Destiny/Fate: i believe that what will happen will happen, and we can't control it. we can control our actions and our reactions, but not major events. and if its meant to be, it'll be.
Angels: yes
Ghosts: in a sense.

---------FRIENDS AND LIFE--------
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? nope
Who's the loudest out of all your friends: oh god. how do i decide? i'd say kressi.

Who do you go to for advice : melissa, hannah, kressi, ned.

What do you think about most when you're not online or at work: what the fuck am i going to do with my life? will it all really work out by itself?

Who do you cry with: me, myself, and i.

What is the greatest feeling in the world: waking up in the middle of the night on a crisp spring/early summer night with the windows open and big comfy blankets pulled tight around you.

Worst Feeling: lonliness
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