(no subject)

Jul 10, 2008 22:50

while i am still thinking about favorites i'll give you some more:

new favorite music: stride piano. actually i think i've always loved it but didn't find quality recordings until now. i don't have alot of spare cash to be spending on music but tis definitely worth it, and as soon as i can find quality sheet music i'm buying that too. although it is probably really hard. maybe i can learn it in college!

new favorite website: jakeandamir.com. so ace! actually its not new, ive been following them for a couple weeks, but they're kind of twisted and hilarous. they work for collegehumor.com which is also funny if you are in the mood.

new favorite late night activity: cleaning? that's right. its the only time i seem to get much done and i don't have anything better to be doing. am i sad about that? no! im not boxed in by anyone or anything. yay for me.

more later probably
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