Jun 13, 2004 10:34
last night was pretty tight. i ended up hanging out with maya. it was me her, ally, camila, and a few other waldorf kids. it was really fun, i got to meat most of the people who she hangs out with. they kinda reminded me of my old friends from edmonds. they were kool. they were easy people to be nice to.
yeah but we just chilled and watched a bunch of movies suck as...texas chainsaw mascre (not scary AT ALL-just really gross), part of Jeepers Kreepersand i olny saw a little more than half of Breakfast Club, but i had to leave.
before i whent to the "hang out" (beacuase it wasnt really much of a party) i whent to cora's house. i havent hung out with her in forever so i decided it was time to catch-up on old things. yeah so i whent there and she took a new picture for L.J. for me, it turned out pretty cool, and if you cant tell what the red thing in my hair is, its this little flower pen that she had in her little office thing. i put it in my hair when i was fukcing around and listening to music, and she took a picture. yeah so theres the story behind that.
well now im at hone working on "home work" hahaha, man parents dont have a clue...tisk tisk. oh well this weekend was absolutley the best weekend of the...month?