*Girls just wanna have fun*

Nov 22, 2004 21:19

wow! today would probally have to be the cooooldest day ever in arizona!! haha it was super cold!! and it rained like all day which is awesome cause it like never rains here and i love the rain lol. today was pretty fun too. although 1st period sux monkey butt! hahaha. yea.... math and science are the usual, boring and i feel so stupid in that class cause well, i am. i need a tutor:-* haha jk. well not reele but yeaaa.... ok sooo neeways.... 4th period was fun. dk y but for some reason its always fun. maybe cause i acually get to talk the whole period and not do work. YESS! hahaha. i bought some reele cute *undies* (thongs of course)! hahahaha kinda random, but i did. wanna see? *hehehe* ok well then 5th hour was ok. better then usual. not too boring. 6th hour was super super boring. gawd! english almost sux just as much as math! lol. well 7th period is always the same... its ok. we get to talk which i guess is cool. i talk to *LeXi* hehehe shes awesome. haha... then i came home and watched a lil t.v and then went to Peter Piper Pizza cause my brothers football team is just oh so good so they got a pizza party for winning their game! woo hoo GO SCORPIANS!! hehe. and i played some games and won a dumb little goey thing. yay;)......yeaa well and thats it......

Lottsa <3,


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