Another Update

Jul 15, 2005 05:15

So yeah it's 5:25am, and I'm fucking bored of my ass looking for shit to do. Even though being up this late has it's down sides like boredom and shit like that, it does give me a good chance to gather my thoughts, and update my lil' ole journal, of course. So yeah it's friday, and and Tim Burton's rendition of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", starring the AMAZINGLY SEXY Johnny Depp, so yeah I'm gonna see that SHIT MOTHER FUCKAH!!!
Ale comes home on Sunday, I think. I miss her intensly, but I'll be here waiting when she gets back. I have this immense amount of energy at night like around this time, im so anxious and impatient to see her. Yesturday I had some much energy that I started to sprint around this big ass room in my house, while talking on the phone with Eli and Marina. I really need to see her(im not trying to come off as desperate to see her, but I'm well aware of the fact that it does.), and yeah.
I went to Marina's crib today with Eli, you know for shits and giggles. It was fun, even though Miss Garcia is a Psycho Bitch!!! But what ever you know. Oh yeah I found out today that Kara had a lil attraction to me, Which is always awesome to find out 'cause it really boost your self-esteem, especially when it's some one as attractive and pretty as Kara. But I digress.

Well I do beleive I've sad quite enough..........

<333 Loves Ale <333

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