so wow. this weekend was pretty awesome.
lets start with friday.
i worked. that sucked. but after that i went to see larry the cable guy in concert. he rocked my socks. my brother reminds me of him but thats a whole other story. i wore my brianasaurus t-shirt for the first time.
yes i am a dinosaur.
so then saturday came.
i had a family reunion. it was so boring that my sister amy fell asleep.
but i got to see my uncles.
my four favorite guys. from left to right: robert (my dads cousin), my uncle bub, my dad, and my uncle frog (my dads uncle). i <3 them.
that night i met up with my brother and his family and we went to some haunted houses in waco. boy that was sooo much fun. of course i was more scared than my six yr old neice, but we wont get into that. the highlights of the night were : jacob (my nephew) falling on the ground about 10 times, me outsmarting the chainsaw guy and running behind him (almost tripping on the cord), me crawling on my knees thinking that would make the chainsaw man not get me, the old lady calling me "pretty girl", cheyene putting her hand in the monsters face and saying ewwww get away from me, the creepy vampire hitting on me, and singing "love shack" with my brother on the way home. good times.
then like lightning sunday happened. mostly i did homework and visited my parents. i was sick. then i went home and talked on the phone. sunday night sucked so i wont get into that.
so anyways. im out.
gangsta b.