Hey I've been part of this community for a really long time but I haven't posted much at all.
Sooo, here's just a little blurb about me.
[x]Name: Meg
[x]Age: 13
[x]Location: Long Island
[x].Favorites. [x]
[x]Favorite clothing brand: Don't have one.
[x]Favorite shoe brand: None
[x]Favorite skating park:Anywhere
[x]Favorite color: black and purple
[x]How long have you been skating: 3 months or so
[x]What tricks can you do?: ollie, nollie, shuv-it, kickflip...i'm still learning new stuff though.
[x]What kind of board do you use?: Zero
[x]Do you prefer skating at a skating park or street?: Anywhere!
I'm trying to become a better skater cause I've become really into it. My parents take my board away sometimes when I do bad in school, which kills me. I think it's so funny when guys find out I can skate. They're reaction is like
. I joined this community because I don't know many girls that skate.
Happy Holidays!!