Dec 16, 2004 10:08
So i just finished my (you called it alex) flash final and im thinking man what a great weekend this is going to hopefully be. Friday i have to work which is blah cuz its an 11 hour day but ill get that bank, then saturday john paul is coming down and staying till like the 2 or 3, yay, so sat after i get off work at 10 were taking the x box and the projector to the hooka bar to shine it on the wall and play some halo 2 with krispen and smoke hooka, after that were going back to my house to have a little social get together, because david and ryan spent all day yesterday stacking up all this wood and made the biggest fucking bon fire i have ever seen so saturday night yall look outside and tell me if you can see the flame from your house and if you can just follow it to alchohol. Because while im working saturday everyone that wants something is going to give their money to john and hes going to go buy it so it will be ready for us when we get back from hooka. so ive got my plans and if anyone wants to join hit me up on the cell or that i m. but hopefully it will be an excellent one because i have needed one real bad.